Wednesday, December 15, 2010

slime in girls bathroom.

The Exhibit in the Media Arts Building  of "Vigo the Carpathian"  has resulted in Slime coming out of the sinks in the girls bathroom. please use the one in the K Building, ladies.

Tobey Maguire in Fries Hallway

Tobey Maguire was seen dressed as Spiderman-Venom. He was here last month to give flying lessons to students....

Grades will be late this year.

There appears to be somewhat of a delay on grades being entered. Expect to be in a new year when you see you're Outstanding A's

Belly Dancers in Media Building Lounge

Belly Dancers are here in the Media building for the Finals week. This is to help Students relax and have some entertainment as they are stressed out studying for finals. To schedule a dance book your time at Central....

Tom giving acting lessons

Tom was seen giving acting lessons to student who wants to play Joker in the next Batman film. Tom is very passionate about acting and will open his acting school soon...

Steven Spielberg with his pet Dinosaur

Steven Spielberg was seen in the Media building with his pet dinosaur.
He was here last week to give a lecture on, "How to train your Dinosaur".
The lecture was fantastic, everyone had a great time playing with Softy, the dinosaur.

New Security in the Copy Room

Students are seen stealing food and coffee from the copy room, therefore here comes new security.....He also helps faculty members to make copy and

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


President Barack Obama gave a speech this morning on the second floor of Fries Hall. Surprisingly, their were no attendees.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Philip and Keanu

Actors Philip Seymour Hoffman and Keanu Reeves were seen having a heart to heart discussion today on the couches in Fries Hall.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Found Stealing Hydration From the Student Union Buildings Food - (explains why food is so dry.)

Startling discoveries today as police raided Joanne Z. Brunos (vice president for academic affairs) office to find that she has been stealing water from the lunches right here at here own place of employment. police found the device, believed to be one of Mrs. Brunos own creation. (pictured below, modeled by student official)
The raid was a result of an anonymous tip Public Safety received that claimed that the person had witness Mrs. Bruno sneakily using the device between shift changes with the kitchen staff (assumed to be around 3 o'clock when the ice cream counter closes down and stops serving delicious milkshakes)

the device was found with a number of test tubes and chemistry sets. as well as large vats of stolen hyrdation.

the real reasons for her actions still remain unseen. and she may face federal charges pending a police and NJCU official  investigation.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Seth Green to host Black Maria

Seth Green has been selected to host the annual Black Maria Film Festival. Thomas Edison would be proud.